Bellefonte will NOT have church tonight Wednesday February 19th.

Bellefonte TV

Watch on TV

Through a partnership with the Gospel Broadcasting Network in Southaven, Mississippi we are able to broadcast our worship services, sermons, and Bible classes to local television. Bellefonte TV was founded in October 2014 in an effort to spread the gospel throughout north central Arkansas. 

Cox Cable channel 843
Digital Antenna 12.1
Ritter Communications 12.1
Ritter NexTV 28
Yelcot 68

Or listen in at KZEQ 104.9 FM
9:15am: Bellefonte Church of Christ Bible Class (LIVE)
10am: Bellefonte Church of Christ Morning Worship (LIVE)
5pm: Bellefonte Church of Christ Evening Worship (LIVE)

6pm: Bellefonte Church of Christ Mid-Week Bible Study (LIVE)

Watch GBN online

Twenty four hour, seven day a week gospel programming.
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